EYS TCM Clinic

Covid-19 in TCM’s Point of View

Covid-19 in TCM’s Point of View

Over the past thousands of years of Chinese history, TCM has battled against hundreds of plagues that led to the accumulation of effective treatments and prevention methods to alleviate the symptoms experienced. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as we experience today, is also classified as a “plague”.

Unlike a common flu that is caused by common pathogenic factors (e.g. wind, cold, heat, humidity, dryness and fire), plague is often associated with dampness and toxin pathogens. Currently, the clinical observations in China have shown that COVID-19 is commonly caused by the interactions of dampness, toxin, heat, and stasis, of which dampness being the most dominate pathogenic factor.

For mild to moderate stages of COVID-19, the common symptoms observed are low fever, tiredness, dry cough, muscle ache, nausea or diarrhea. The common syndrome is “lung with dampness toxin retention” and hence the TCM treatment principle is to eliminate exterior pathogens, heat and dampness, detoxify and invigorate the spleen.

Why do some people have it worst then? This is because COVID-19 is a disease that presents itself in different stages. For the critical stages, the toxin further attacks the lung and heart, at worst blocking the vital organ’s function and resulting in the collapse of yang qi in the body. This results in high fever, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, multiple functional failure and shock. The treatment principle at this critical stage aims to ventilate lung qi, remove heat to restore consciousness and to recuperate the yang qi.

Here are some tips to help with your recovery from Covid-19.
consume smaller meal portions at the beginning and slowly increase portion as your appetite returns.
Start off with food that are easy to digest, for example diluted porridge.

Incorporate other nutritious food as you regain appetite, such as thicker porridge, fish meat and chicken soup.

Tips: To remove excess dampness and strengthen your spleen, you can boil lotus leaves in water first and use this water to later cook your porridge. You can also add Chinese barley (薏苡仁), Chinese yam (山药), lotus seed (莲子), tangerine peel (陈皮) and Qian Shi (芡实) into your diet too.

over-consume cold and raw food such as fruits and salads, spicy and oily food as it will trap dampness and further burden your spleen and stomach.

Sources: https://cmjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13020-020-00375-1

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Keep An Eye On The Ball – And Your Health – This World Cup

Health hazards of staying up late

World Cup season is upon us! Are you one of those hardcore fans who would loath to miss a single match? Staying up late is all well and good if you don’t do it too often.

Ask yourself the following questions — Are you becoming more forgetful recently? Are you experiencing delayed reactions? Do you face difficulties with making good judgments? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be suffering from increased lethargy, irritability, and an inability to concentrate due to a lack of rest.

You may ask, “What’s the big deal?”

A lack of sleep is actually a bigger deal than you’d think. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep can lead to an increased risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke.

To add to that, uncontrollable snacking and an increased intake of alcohol while catching the World Cup with your friends can take a toll on your cardiovascular system. Snacks such as peanuts and potato chips have high salt content and can lead to an increase in blood pressure, while alcohol contributes to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Staying up late also interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone that acts as a strong oxidant and prevents the loss of collagen in our skin. This can lead to obvious eye bags, and poor skin elasticity, resulting in wrinkled, saggy, and dull skin.

Health hazards of staying up late, according to TCM

From the perspective of TCM, pulling all-nighters not only affects your concentration and memory, you also face a higher risk of falling sick. Sleep deprivation potentially depletes your Yin fluids which is crucial to the nourishment of the body — with Yin in deficiency, Yang will be in excess.

This results in increased heatiness, which subsequently leads to symptoms such as excessive thirst, dryness or bitterness in the mouth, ulcers, and throat irritation. A lack of Yin can also lead to a lacklustre complexion.

Pay attention to how your body reacts to external factors, and what’s going on inside you. Treat these signs seriously and take action accordingly.

Tips to stay healthy
1. Be disciplined and set your own curfews

According to proponents of TCM, the optimal time for a deep sleep is between 11pm and 3am. Staying up past 11pm would prevent the regeneration of liver Yin and blood. This would lead to excessive ‘heat’ building up in the liver, which is characterized by:

  • dizziness

  • distending sensation in the head

  • a headache on the temples

  • ringing in the ears or sudden deafness

  • red, swollen or painful eyes

  • bitter or dry taste in the mouth

  • red or flushed face

  • irascibility, fits of anger

  • insomnia

  • strong or vivid dreams

  • dark or scanty urine; and

  • constipation

2. Next best alternative to alcohol

While it is common for World Cup fans to crack open a can of ice-cold beer while watching the match, we’d like to recommend healthier alternatives to keep your blood pressure and heart rate down. Try brewing a Chrysanthemum & Peppermint Tea, or preparing a bowl of Snow Pear Soup White Fungus Lily Bulb instead. These two beverages have additional benefits — the former contains Chrysanthemum that clears heat while Peppermint clears the mind and improves thinking during the day; the latter can effectively moisten the lungs and increase Yin. A mixture of lily bulbs and lotus seeds can also calm the mind, promoting better sleep. Here are some easy recipes you can try:

a. Snow Pear Soup with White Fungus, Lily Bulb 百合银耳雪梨汤


  • Dried lily bulbs: 50g

  • White fungus: 1 head

  • Snow pear: 1

  • Lotus seeds: 50g

  • Rock sugar: 50g – 80g

  • Water: 1.5 litre

Quantities can be varied to individual liking


a. Soak the white fungus and dried lily bulbs in water overnight.
b. Cut the snow pear and soaked white fungus into smaller pieces.
c. Add water to a pot and place lily bulbs, white fungus, and lotus seeds into the pot.
d. After boiling, use low fire to cook for one hour.
e. Add in the cut pieces of snow pear and rock sugar.
f. Continue cooking until the pear and white fungus becomes soft.

b. Chrysanthemum & Peppermint Tea 菊花薄荷茶


  • Chrysanthemum flower: 4-5 pieces

  • Peppermint leaves: 5-10 pieces


a. Place both ingredients into a cup

b. Add hot water and cover for 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Relieve tensions with Acupressure Point Massage

While your eyes are glued to that TV screen, the long hours of physical inactivity can take a serious toll on your back. It can result in stiffness of the back, tension in your neck and shoulders, and even severe headaches. These conditions could even worsen if your team is playing poorly, or if the game goes down to the wire — anxiety is a great trigger for muscle tension and old pain patterns.

If you find yourself in this situation, instead of popping a pill, try Acupressure point massage. Sit back and apply pressure to specific pressure points to unblock the meridians and let the “qi” flow through your body. With these 6 simple Acupressure point massages, you can now relieve those tensions that have been hindering your World Cup experience:

a. San Yin Jiao (SP6) – SP6 is located 4 finger widths above the inner ankle, behind the tibia. Massaging this point can tonify Yin of the spleen, liver and kidney systems.

b. Tai Chong (LV3) – LV3 is found on the foot about two finger widths above the area where the skin of the big toe and second toe join. Massaging this point helps to calm the liver and reduces excessive liver Yang.
c. Zu San Li (ST36) – ST36 is located 4 finger widths below the knee, and 1 finger width outside the shin bone. Massaging this point can tonify the spleen and increase immunity.
d. Baihui (DU20), Taiyang (EX3), Fengchi (GB20) – These points are found on the head. Massaging them specifically can increase blood circulation to the head and increase alertness during the day. Baihui (DU20) is located on the intersection between the midline of the head and the line joining the apex of the ears.
e. Taiyang (EX3) – EX3 is found at the temples of the head, in a depression about 1 thumb width posterior to the midpoint between the outer end of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye.
f. Fengchi (GB20) – GB20 is located at the depression between 2 major muscles (sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trapezius) at the back of the neck, at the base of the skull.

4. Choose Healthier Snacks and Drinks

If sleeping late has become inevitable during this season, you may want to counteract these potential health conditions by drinking more water during the day and incorporate more leafy vegetables and a variety of fruits into your diet. It is best to avoid eating fried and oily food for the time being as these foods are known to cause the body to become excessively heaty.

Sleepy? We know what comes to your mind first is probably a cup of joe or a can of Red Bull. Although stimulants such as caffeine may help keep you awake during the day, it can also affect your sleep cycle if it is taken too late in the evening. As such, you may want to consider taking some American ginseng tea instead, which can nourish Yin and invigorate Qi to boost your mental alertness and immunity. A win-win situation!

As you partake in the soccer fever, do not let that take a toll on your health. Keep yourself hydrated, well-rested and keep to a nutritional diet to help you stay in top form, all day and night!

Boosting Your Child’s Immunity with TCM

Parents often despair – with good reason – that their school-going children not only catch whatever’s going around, but pass it on quite indiscriminately to siblings and playmates.

As was the case with Ms Winifred Ling, whose two-year-old daughter, Olivia, got sick “almost every month” for a year after she started going to nursery.

“She mostly had colds,” Ms Ling, a psychologist practicing in Singapore, recalls. “She would have a runny nose, lots of phlegm, and would be coughing quite a lot. Sometimes, when she had a hacking cough, she would end up vomiting.” “We would take her to see a paediatrician and she would be alright for a while after taking the prescribed medication, but then she would catch the next virus going around.”

Eventually, Ms Ling took her daughter to see a Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner who focused as much on resolving Olivia’s symptoms as on boosting her immune system. Olivia was managed with herbs and paediatric tui na, a form of massage therapy that promotes the smooth flow of qi (a person’s vital force) in the body. Together, the treatments not only eliminated the pathogens that caused Olivia’s illness but also strengthened her overall constitution.

“She is five now, and we have continued our regular TCM visits and treatments as they help keep her healthy,” Ms Ling says.

Smoothing out the energy flow

Olivia’s case is not uncommon among children, whose immune systems are still developing and are susceptible to environmental allergens and diseases.

TCM practitioners believe that children have relatively weaker lung, kidney and spleen systems, which can compromise their overall immunity.

“A weak lung system increases the likelihood of respiratory illnesses, while a weak spleen system makes one prone to digestive illnesses,” says Eu Yan Sang physician Quek Yiyan. “That’s why children often catch colds and have stomach upsets.”

In TCM, healthy qi defends against external pathogens. When the flow of qi in organs is not optimal, their delicate yin-yang balance is disturbed. In managing children, TCM practitioners therefore focus on strengthening or restoring the flow of qi, particularly around these vulnerable systems. The objective is to keep the body in a balanced yin-yang state, says Physician Quek.

Like running water in a stream, Qi cannot afford to be stagnant, “If an organ is colonised by bacteria, such an invasion can be imagined as a brackish pond,” she says. “The organ then has to be ‘cleansed’ and the proper flow of qi re-established.”

Re-establishing the flow of Qi can be done using different therapies, including herbal medication, paediatric tui na, or by making adjustments to diet or lifestyle.

A natural way

Herbs are an important cornerstone of TCM treatment and have a variety of effects, such as warming, cooling and strengthening (increasing qi). Although the types of herbs prescribed to children are similar to those prescribed to adults, the dosage and specific formulas depend on the child’s condition, age and weight. This is why a trained and licensed TCM practitioner should always be consulted, Physician Quek says.

Paediatric tui na is also an effective treatment for young children. A trained paediatric physician uses specialized massage techniques to stimulate acupoints that are specific to children, enhancing the flow of qi throughout their body.

Other TCM treatments like acupuncture and cupping are generally not recommended before adolescence. However, a physician may decide on them on a case-by-case basis.

TCM treatments offer a safe and reliable alternative with few side effects, an important consideration for parents keen to ensure the health of their children. Should a child fall sick, TCM also focuses on solving the root cause of the illness, not just the symptoms.

Better habits for stronger immunity

TCM practitioners generally advocate a holistic – and sustainable – approach to building a strong immune system. Besides prescribing herbal medication, tui na, and acupuncture for older children, physicians are likely to also advise on an appropriate diet and lifestyle.

Cold drinks and too much fried, sweet or spicy food should be avoided as they create “dampness” in the body, Physician Quek says. “Excessive amounts of these foods weaken the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, which in turn allows dampness to accumulate,” she explains. Accumulated dampness can, over time, cause blockages and illness. Regular mealtimes should also be observed, as this helps with proper digestion.

Herbs that help increase Qi can be added to soups or stir-fries. These include Poria (Fuling, 茯苓), White Atractylodes (Baizhu, 白术), Euryale seeds (Qianshi, 芡实), Coix barley (Yiyiren, 薏苡仁), Astragalus root (Huangqi, 黄芪) and Chinese yam (Huaishan, 淮山). Chinese yam, in particular, can be consumed daily as a food supplement as it helps improve digestion, Physician Quek says.

Herbs with strengthening properties should not be given to a child who is already ill as “these herbs could strengthen the invading pathogen instead, and make expelling it more difficult”, she cautions.

Qi Strengthening Soup


  • Astragalus root (Huangqi, 黄芪) 10g

  • White Atractylodes (Baizhu, 白术) 10g

  • Licorice root (Gancao, 甘草) 5g

  • Pork ribs 500g

  • Water 1L

Quantities can be varied to individual liking


  1. Rinse the herbs and blanch the pork ribs.

  2. Place all ingredients into 1L of boiling water.

  3. Simmer over low heat for three to four hours.

  4. Serve.

Good lifestyle habits should also be practiced. These include getting adequate sleep, having moderate exposure to cold weather to “build up the child’s resistance to external pathogens”, and catching some sun to “help boost yang qi, which is important for a child’s development”.

This holistic approach to strengthening immunity is something Ms Ling appreciates – although it took some effort on her part as well.

“When we first started TCM, my daughter had trouble taking the herbs, but now it’s no longer an issue,” she says. “And happily, she doesn’t fall sick so frequently anymore.”

Natural Rhythm of Yin & Yang in Our Body

Sleep is an essential part of your life. It is not only a form of rest, but a physiological function that helps your body to recharge and perform at its best the next day.

In TCM, sleep is part of the natural rhythm of Yin and Yang in the body. In the concept of Yin-Yang, Yin represents passive forces while Yang represents active forces. TCM classic The Spiritual Axis (Lingshu, 灵枢) uses the Yin-Yang concept to explain sleep in chapter 28. It is said that “when Yang is depleting and Yin is abundant, one’s eyes are closed. When Yin is depleting and Yang is predominant, one is awake.”

Sleep is also believed to be regulated by the cycle of Protective Qi (Wei Qi) and Nutritive Qi (Ying Qi). Protective Qi flows along Yang meridians for 25 rounds during the daytime and circulates through the Yin meridians for another 25 rounds at night. The cycle in the day enables the body to be active and awake, while the cycle at night enables the body to rest and recharge.

Sleep is a part of the Shen activities which function in the day and cease during the night to allow the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Lung and Kidney meridians to rest and recharge. You will be able to sleep well when the Shen is rooted and rested, but your sleep will be affected if the Shen is disturbed.

Ideal Time to Sleep


In TCM, Qi flows through 12 principal meridians within the body in a 24-hour cycle. When Qi flows through a specific principal meridian, it takes around 2 hours to vitalise and strengthen the organ system associated to that particular meridian before continuing to subsequent meridians.

The ideal time to sleep in accordance to the meridian clock is by 11pm. If your sleep is disturbed at a certain hour repeatedly, it is an indication that the paired organ system may require your attention.

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