EYS TCM Clinic

Understanding HPV: The Facts, Risks, and Prevention

Understanding HPV: The Facts, Risks, and Prevention

Unlocking the Link: Understanding HPV and Cervical Cancer

Welcome to our infographic exploring the intricate relationship between Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cervical Cancer. Join us on a journey to uncover the facts, dispel myths, and empower individuals with knowledge about prevention and early detection. Let's dive into the essential information that could save lives and promote healthier futures.

Build your defence against Cervical Cancer with the Gardasil 9 vaccine now!

Each individual will require 2 to 3 doses of HPV Vaccines, enjoy these multi-dose rates* at One Wellness Medical Clinics:

  • 2 doses: $500 nett ($250 each)

  • 3 doses: $720 nett ($240 each)

  • Single dose only: $270 nett

Make an appointment now >

*Prices inclusive of 9% GST, other terms & conditions apply.

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TCM Diagnosis Methods

In TCM, external symptoms are the manifestation of internal imbalances. Hence, a TCM physician assesses one’s state of health by analysing external symptoms displayed to seek evidence of internal problems. Unique diagnostic methods are used to collect and analyse clinical information.

There are some diagnostic methods in TCM which are essential for determining the root causes of a health problem. A professionally trained TCM physician is usually able to differentiate the root causes of a problem by applying the following methods:

  • Observations (望): observe the entire body, which includes the tongue, complexion, body shape, posture, movement and vitality

  • Smelling and listening (闻): observe the smell of body odours, excretions and secretions; listen to the voice, tone, and sound of respiration or cough

  • Questioning (问): inquiring about the main concerns or complaints, the onset and duration of the problem, and relevant medical history and symptoms

  • Pulse analysing (切): feeling and evaluating the pulse by pressing on certain parts of the body such as the skin, muscles, acupoints, limbs, chest, abdomen and other areas

Better Diabetes Management with TCM

For five months, Richard*, who had a 20-year history of diabetes, experienced numbing, burning, and tingling sensations in his lower limbs. By the time the sixty-four-year-old sought help from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, his lower calves were hyper-pigmented, his tongue was dark red with a thick coating, and his pulse was tense and “slippery”.

With herbal medications, however, his symptoms improved noticeably. He continues to take the prescribed herbs and returns to his TCM physician for fortnightly reviews.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long and successful history of managing diabetes and its complications. References to xiao-ke, a disease characterised by persistent thirst and hunger, copious urination and weight loss, can be found as early as the 1st century BCE, in the medical text Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic). Translated literally as “wasting thirst”, it was believed to be the result of consuming too much fatty, sweet, or rich food.

Today, TCM practitioners see poor diet as just one of four major contributing factors to the root cause of diabetes, believed to be a depletion of yin energy – a cool, dark and earthy energy – combined with excessive asthenic fire in the body.

Beyond greasy, sweet and spicy food, and alcohol, all of which exhaust the spleen and result in the production of damp heat, three other factors commonly cause yin depletion and excessive fire in the body:

  • an unstable emotional life, which disrupts the flow of energy in the body and causes qi stagnation, leading to an excess of internal fire;

  • imbalances and disruptions in energy that are present at birth;

  • excessive sexual intercourse, which depletes kidney essence, impairing its ability to provide yin to the whole body.

Symptom-led treatment

Unlike conventional medicine, TCM is not concerned with blood glucose levels but instead, the actual symptoms displayed by the individual patient. These symptoms can be distilled into three main categories: upper, middle, and lower wasting.

Upper wasting is primarily characterised by excessive thirst. Other typical symptoms may include a dry mouth, irritability, a red tongue with a thin yellow coating, and rapid pulse. A TCM practitioner may diagnose someone with these symptoms as having Lung Heat with Depletion of Jin syndrome – a rise in internal heat, primarily in the lungs, due to a deficiency in yin jin (body fluids). This can be managed with a concoction made with Coptis Chinesis (Huang Lian), Ophiopogon Japonicas (Mai Dong), and Radix Rehmannia (Sheng Di Huang).

The most apparent symptom of Middle wasting is excessive hunger. Patients will also likely suffer from bad breath, weight loss, frequent oral ulcers, excessive thirst and urine output, constipation with dry stools, a red tongue with yellow coating, and a strong rapid pulse. Also known as Stomach Fire syndrome, it is commonly managed with a remedy known as Jade Maiden Decoction, made with Gypsum Fibrosum (Shi Gao), Rhizoma Anemarrhenae (Zhi Mu), and Gardenia Jasminoides (Zhi Zi).

Finally, lower wasting can be recognised by excessive turbid urination, often accompanied by lower lumbar pain and weakness in the knees, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dry lips, dry and itchy skin, a red tongue with little or no coating, and a thin and rapid pulse. These symptoms point to a deficiency of yin in the kidney syndrome, which is commonly managed with Six-flavour Rehmannia Pills, made with Schisandra (Wu Wei Zi), Chinese Yam (Shan Yao), and Wolfberries or Goji berries (Gou Qi Zi).

Broadly speaking, “the main goal in TCM treatment of diabetes is to invigorate the spleen (pancreas) and revitalise the kidneys,” explains Eu Yan Sang Senior Physician Tang Yue.

Using TCM to better outcomes

Particularly over the last decade, scientific studies have backed the use of TCM to complement or augment conventional medicine in the treatment of diabetes, and to mitigate the risks associated with certain medications.

In a study conducted in 2013, 800 patients were managed with either the ‘Xiaoke Pill’, a compound of Chinese herbs combined with glibenclamide, or glibenclamide alone. Glibenclamide, an antidiabetic drug commonly used to manage type-2 diabetes, is associated with drug-induced hypoglycemia. At the end of 48 weeks, those taking the Xiaoke Pill showed a significantly reduced risk of hypoglycemia and similar improvements in glycemic control compared to those who took glibenclamide. The controlled, double-blind trial was conducted in China and edited by US-based Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

It is important to remember however, that when TCM is used in conjunction with western medication, it should always be done with the knowledge and advice of both a qualified TCM practitioner and a western medical professional.

Eat your way to better health

As important as herbal medication is, it is only part of the solution.

“Even with medication, diet control is just as important,” says Senior Physician Tang. He advises patients to avoid foods high in sugar, such as candy, chocolate, pastries, and sweetened drinks, and to reduce their intake of starch and fat.

Instead, they should fill up on foods with a low glycaemic index (GI), which can help reduce spikes in their blood glucose levels. These foods include oats, wholemeal bread, brown rice, lentils, soy and walnuts. Other beneficial foods, like black fungus, Chinese yam, barley, American ginseng and wolfberries can be consumed in soups.

Lifestyle changes must also be made, which means adopting a diet that is low in fat, sugar and salt, and making time for aerobic exercise. This makes the body more receptive to insulin, says Senior Physician Tang.

“In Mandarin we say 管住嘴、迈开腿 (Guǎn zhù zuǐ mài kāi tuǐ), or watch what you eat and exercise since neglect of both is the most common cause of type-2 diabetes. Focus on maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index of between 18 and 23, and try and get active for at least 150 minutes a week. It will help you control your blood glucose levels and find your way to better health,” she says.

*Not his real name

Boosting Your Child’s Immunity with TCM

Parents often despair – with good reason – that their school-going children not only catch whatever’s going around, but pass it on quite indiscriminately to siblings and playmates.

As was the case with Ms Winifred Ling, whose two-year-old daughter, Olivia, got sick “almost every month” for a year after she started going to nursery.

“She mostly had colds,” Ms Ling, a psychologist practicing in Singapore, recalls. “She would have a runny nose, lots of phlegm, and would be coughing quite a lot. Sometimes, when she had a hacking cough, she would end up vomiting.” “We would take her to see a paediatrician and she would be alright for a while after taking the prescribed medication, but then she would catch the next virus going around.”

Eventually, Ms Ling took her daughter to see a Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner who focused as much on resolving Olivia’s symptoms as on boosting her immune system. Olivia was managed with herbs and paediatric tui na, a form of massage therapy that promotes the smooth flow of qi (a person’s vital force) in the body. Together, the treatments not only eliminated the pathogens that caused Olivia’s illness but also strengthened her overall constitution.

“She is five now, and we have continued our regular TCM visits and treatments as they help keep her healthy,” Ms Ling says.

Smoothing out the energy flow

Olivia’s case is not uncommon among children, whose immune systems are still developing and are susceptible to environmental allergens and diseases.

TCM practitioners believe that children have relatively weaker lung, kidney and spleen systems, which can compromise their overall immunity.

“A weak lung system increases the likelihood of respiratory illnesses, while a weak spleen system makes one prone to digestive illnesses,” says Eu Yan Sang physician Quek Yiyan. “That’s why children often catch colds and have stomach upsets.”

In TCM, healthy qi defends against external pathogens. When the flow of qi in organs is not optimal, their delicate yin-yang balance is disturbed. In managing children, TCM practitioners therefore focus on strengthening or restoring the flow of qi, particularly around these vulnerable systems. The objective is to keep the body in a balanced yin-yang state, says Physician Quek.

Like running water in a stream, Qi cannot afford to be stagnant, “If an organ is colonised by bacteria, such an invasion can be imagined as a brackish pond,” she says. “The organ then has to be ‘cleansed’ and the proper flow of qi re-established.”

Re-establishing the flow of Qi can be done using different therapies, including herbal medication, paediatric tui na, or by making adjustments to diet or lifestyle.

A natural way

Herbs are an important cornerstone of TCM treatment and have a variety of effects, such as warming, cooling and strengthening (increasing qi). Although the types of herbs prescribed to children are similar to those prescribed to adults, the dosage and specific formulas depend on the child’s condition, age and weight. This is why a trained and licensed TCM practitioner should always be consulted, Physician Quek says.

Paediatric tui na is also an effective treatment for young children. A trained paediatric physician uses specialized massage techniques to stimulate acupoints that are specific to children, enhancing the flow of qi throughout their body.

Other TCM treatments like acupuncture and cupping are generally not recommended before adolescence. However, a physician may decide on them on a case-by-case basis.

TCM treatments offer a safe and reliable alternative with few side effects, an important consideration for parents keen to ensure the health of their children. Should a child fall sick, TCM also focuses on solving the root cause of the illness, not just the symptoms.

Better habits for stronger immunity

TCM practitioners generally advocate a holistic – and sustainable – approach to building a strong immune system. Besides prescribing herbal medication, tui na, and acupuncture for older children, physicians are likely to also advise on an appropriate diet and lifestyle.

Cold drinks and too much fried, sweet or spicy food should be avoided as they create “dampness” in the body, Physician Quek says. “Excessive amounts of these foods weaken the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, which in turn allows dampness to accumulate,” she explains. Accumulated dampness can, over time, cause blockages and illness. Regular mealtimes should also be observed, as this helps with proper digestion.

Herbs that help increase Qi can be added to soups or stir-fries. These include Poria (Fuling, 茯苓), White Atractylodes (Baizhu, 白术), Euryale seeds (Qianshi, 芡实), Coix barley (Yiyiren, 薏苡仁), Astragalus root (Huangqi, 黄芪) and Chinese yam (Huaishan, 淮山). Chinese yam, in particular, can be consumed daily as a food supplement as it helps improve digestion, Physician Quek says.

Herbs with strengthening properties should not be given to a child who is already ill as “these herbs could strengthen the invading pathogen instead, and make expelling it more difficult”, she cautions.

Qi Strengthening Soup


  • Astragalus root (Huangqi, 黄芪) 10g

  • White Atractylodes (Baizhu, 白术) 10g

  • Licorice root (Gancao, 甘草) 5g

  • Pork ribs 500g

  • Water 1L

Quantities can be varied to individual liking


  1. Rinse the herbs and blanch the pork ribs.

  2. Place all ingredients into 1L of boiling water.

  3. Simmer over low heat for three to four hours.

  4. Serve.

Good lifestyle habits should also be practiced. These include getting adequate sleep, having moderate exposure to cold weather to “build up the child’s resistance to external pathogens”, and catching some sun to “help boost yang qi, which is important for a child’s development”.

This holistic approach to strengthening immunity is something Ms Ling appreciates – although it took some effort on her part as well.

“When we first started TCM, my daughter had trouble taking the herbs, but now it’s no longer an issue,” she says. “And happily, she doesn’t fall sick so frequently anymore.”

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